September 18, 2012

Good Skin and healthy Eating Habits

Your inner condition is a reflection of your outer appearance. So to ensure that you look good you should eat salutary and keep yourself in good condition if you want to look good. Premature aging can be avoided with a aggregate of the right diet and allowable skin care in the early years. This should start early in life as once the damage is done it takes more exertion to rectify it later. Instead why not prevent all this in the starting and be happy in your later years with your good looks.

What a faulty diet can do

Eating a salutary diet which lacking in the allowable nutrients and has more of refined sugar, white flout and starches along with an over dose of coffee, tea and fizzy drinks can bring on wrinkles and give you a lack luster dry skin with all the signs of aging. Apart from this a lack of hemoglobin the blood leaves the skin starved for moisture and food and leaves it rough and dry. Just like all our other organs, the skin which is the largest organ, needs a lot of the right kind of food on a daily basis. Constant weigh fluctuation is also bad for the skin and makes it sag and loose its firmness, making it age faster.

A good skin care regime

Apart from the right diet the skin requires care and grooming to keep it supple and enounce its elasticity. More than allowable application of make up to heighten your looks, it is leading to keep the skin simply healthy, so that it is level and glowing even without any make up and this truly adds to the attractiveness of the person. One is born with the color of the skin, but one can heighten the texture with allowable care.
The skin should be cleansed, nourished and toned every day. A weekly thorough cleansing with steaming of the face and removing the black heads and whiteheads after this will keep it clean and free from oil deposits and clogged pores. Exfoliating the dead cells with a mild scrub and then using a homemade face pack to close the pores will enounce the texture of your skin. For toning the skin natural rose water is the best. Keep a bottle in the fridge and use clean cotton swabs to dab the face with it after steaming, as this closes the pores. Rubbing an oily face with a cube of ice helps too.

Internal cleansing

Detoxifying the theory cleans the digestive theory and improves the assimilation of food. A glass of warm water with a squeeze of lime and a spoon of honey in it first thing in the morning helps in cleaning your theory up. Make sure that you drink at least two liters of water every day. Keep measured quantities of water, like in one liter bottles, so that you know how much you have consumed. Ensure that your diet contains fruits and vegetables which have anti oxidants and fiber so that the cells and tissues in the skin are rejuvenated.

Exercise to heighten the circulation

The best way to get your circulation going is to get the heart rate up and this is done with exercise. A walk in the open fresh air and a bit of aerobics will do wonders for your skin and for your normal fitness.

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