April 6, 2012

The Five Commandments to Eliminate Stress

Don't ever ask the Buddhists if they hate stress. You know they do. Stress is carefully as a form of interruption to attain nirvana and unite with the Absolute. Well, whether you're a Buddhist or not, stress is surely more than just a pain in the neck. Live longer. Be obedient and ensue these five commandments to avoid sins that can trigger stress.

1. Thou shall reward yourself with a good sleep

-It's scientifically proven that sleeping can be a good way to avoid stress. Let your mind and body rest after a day's work. Have a relaxing bubble bath and watch a feel good movie before you sleep. Going out at night and giving yourself only a few hours of sleep makes you a exquisite candidate of stress. You don't want to go to work with puffy eyes right?

2. Thou shall shop (with comfort)

-If you are angry at something, never stress yourself with that anger. It's senseless. You can't let your boyfriend bother you for the rest of the year just because he cheated on you. Go out and shop. You can check out your beloved bookstore if you're a bookworm and if you're not into books, you can check out new dresses from your beloved boutiques. I beg to disagree that only women love shopping, men for real enjoy shopping! an additional one option in shopping (if you for real think that shopping only adds to stress)- try online shopping. In fact, most consumers now are shopping in the internet. It's comfortable, you just sit there and you are for real shopping.

3. Thou shall enjoy the art of eating

-After a stressing day, visit new restaurants near your place. Try new cuisines that you might enjoy. If you're eating everyday in fastfood joints, maybe it's time to try something new. You can try cooking straightforward recipes for dinner. Cooking your own food might give you unblemished satisfaction. Be sure it's healthy. Remember that it's good to eat homemade dishes once in a while.

4. Thou shall wisely deal with your finances

-Money can undeniably add stress. Reputation cards might make you unhappy. Losing a big estimate of money might influence your mood. To avoid being stressed out by money matters, be a wise owner of your finances.

5. Thou shall fix your room

-Fix your room and set a nice mood. Light some scented candles or enjoy giving your room a new look. Open the windows and breathe some fresh air. Staying in air conditioned rooms is not healthy enough. If you're working at home, give yourself a few hours to relax in open windows.

The Five Commandments to Eliminate Stress

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